Step by Step Photoshop Tutorial Sin City PhotoshootSeptember 30, 2014 Photography Tutorials
This was our Photoclub photo we did this week. Each person is shot separately. Lighting: Each person had the same lighting. This was shot on a blue screen so I could easily remove the background. Two Alienbees with white umbrellas were shooting the background to light the blue screen. Two alienbees with medium softboxes with grids were angled at 45 degrees behind the subject on the left and right. The one on the right was a little closer to their side instead of behind, almost directly to the left of them. Then we had a canon 580ex II with a snoot facing their eyes, on a boom. I dont know how many of the pictures even ended up benefiting from that light. Editing. After choosing the best picture from each person, a little clarity was added, and contrast. Then they were all exported as jpgs and brought into Adobe After Effects to remove the blue screen with the Keylight plugin. Exported as transparent PNG's. Then brought into photoshop for the composite. Other Behind The Scenes Photos
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