Photo Spotlight Framed Family Photo
December 15, 2011 Portfolio
Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark II
Exposure: 1/160
Aperture: 14.0
Exposure Program: Manual
ISO Speed: 50
Focal Length: 100.0 mm
Lens: EF100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM
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Blogged By:
 Team Louish |
Strobist Info:
Keylight: Alienbees B800 on upper right with Medium softbox, really close, like 2 feet away from subject.
Left Fill Light: Alienbees B800 on left 45 degree for fill with Medium softbox.
Bottom Fill Light: Alienbees B800 under a white circle shoot through reflector on ground facing up to fill a little on bottom.
Hair Light: Alienbees B800 behind subject on back left, no modifier.
5 separate photos merged in photoshop. Printed on Canvas and framed. Total print size with frame 55 inches long, about 18 inches tall. Black frame.

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27 December 2011 - 16:13:17 -
hey, I really like this idea. What did you use for the original picture frame, the one they stuck their heads through, and how did you suspend it? I see that you have clamps, but what clamps can clamp to the stand and the frame? Thank you so much
28 December 2011 - 1:35:17 -
Team Louish
TPott05, The thick white matte frame was from Walmart. I used two super clamps attached to lightstands, and I didnt clamp it down all the way, I just rotated the clamp until it put pressure on the edge of the white border frame and it held it in place. If I twisted/rotated the lightstands anymore, it would of started to bend the frame. So I only had them rotated enough to hold the frame without falling. Sometimes the kids would be touching it and it would fall. So in the final photo, I had to make sure to rotate and skew each photo so the aligned up properly.