Photo Spotlight Lori - Bokeh Lights Flowers Spring
April 10, 2012 Portfolio
Camera: Canon EOS 7D
Exposure: 1/160
Aperture: 4.0
Exposure Program: Manual
ISO Speed: 100
Focal Length: 100.0 mm
Lens: EF100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM
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This was taken at night - She is by a window with 2 Alienbees outside the window on the left. 2 more alienbees shooting straight up on the right inside the room to fill (ceiling is about 20 feet tall). I placed flowers and vases right in front of my lens to get the blurry bokeh in front. Taken with Canon 7D, 100mm, 2.8L IS USM. Lights triggered with RadioPopper JrX