Photo Spotlight Nexus S 4G Super AMOLED vs HTC EVO 4G TFT
May 13, 2011 Portfolio
Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark II
Exposure: 1/20
Aperture: 10.0
Exposure Program: Manual
ISO Speed: 800
Focal Length: 100.0 mm
Lens: EF100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM
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Blogged By:
 Team Louish |
Even though the Samsung Nexus S has a Super AMOLED screen, which has 256 times the amount of colors.. the clearity on my EVO 4G, in my opinion, stomps the Nexus S 4G. When I look at the screen on my Nexus S, all I see is pixels. When I look at the screen on the EVO 4G, I don't. For example, the Google Talk icon on the left. On the EVO 4G, it looks like a solid white circle with nice smooth edges (when you're looking at it at a normal distance). When I look at the Google Talk icon on the Nexus S, I can see the pixels the make up the icon.
I am returning the Nexus S 4G tomorrow, and going back to my EVO, at least until the EVO 3D comes out.