Photo Spotlight Window Killer 069/365
March 10, 2011 Portfolio
Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark II
Exposure: 1/160
Aperture: 16.0
Exposure Program: Manual
ISO Speed: 100
Focal Length: 55.0 mm
Lens: EF24-105mm f/4L IS USM
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Blogged By:
 Team Louish |
Day 69 of 365 (Feb 10th)
Shadows of a man killing a woman in a window. Good thing I have RadioPoppers and a decent wireless remote to trigger the camera. My camera is in my backyard facing up at my bedroom window. I have two strobes in my bedroom at full power, both strobes are right next to eachother to get it as bright as possible. I am standing as close to the window as possible to get the sharpest shadows. I tried adjusting the blinds both up and down to see which gave a better shadow, and when the blinds were facing up (so light from the sun would come through) it gave a softer image, which is what I ended up using. I took two images and merged them in post. One of them, Im wearing a hoodie and holding a knife. The other one Im just leaning back (I added the hanging hair to make it look like it was a girl in photoshop). Rain added in photoshop. Triggered with RadioPopper JrX.